Welcome New Members

We recently welcomed Haskel & Natalie Salmon & their son Hunter into our CLBC family. (4 year old Emily is also apart of their family. Emily Jackson also joined the Church back before Christmas. We are excited to have these good folks with us & welcome them with opened arms!


Wed Events

Tomorrow at 6:45 PM AWANA & Youth Group will meet. The Adults will gather in the auditorium at 7:00 PM for Bible Study & Prayer. Deacon meeting at 8:15 PM.


Prayer requests

Please pray for those listed in your Prayer Bulletin including Julie Hamilton (health), Karen Higginbotham (heart), Kelly Kendrick (knee surgery tomorrow), Daniel Mwinzi (cancer), Linda Robinson (heart), Dave VanHorn (hospital) & Ann Neidlinger (health). Pray for many others suffering with colds & Flu.


New Preaching Series

Beginning this Sun morning during our Worship Service I will be starting a new Series entitled “JESUS OUR ALL IN ALL.” Join us as we dig into the spiritually rich yet practical book of Colossians together.