This Week

Wed Evening – Awana & Youth Group at 6:45 PM. Adult Bible Study & Prayer at 7:00 PM.

Sat Morning – Men’s Wallbuilders at 8:30 AM (1st of new year)

SUNDAY – Baptism during the 10:15 AM Service. Life Chain at 2:00 PM.


Future Events

Mon, Oct 2 – Union Mission Gala

Sat, Oct 8 – ABC Ladies Fall Luncheon

Thur, Oct 13 – Jolly Seniors

Sunday, Oct 23 – FRIEND DAY 2016


Prayer Requests

Please pray for the following with health needs; Ruth Baily (health), Renee Bennett (knee), Beth Buckley (stroke), Allison Efaw (cancer), Jimmy Landers (cancer), Donna Legg (cancer), Mike Oldham (accident), Becky Rice (eyes), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Continue to pray for healing for my eyes. Pray for the November Election. Pray for God to bless our efforts on FRIEND DAY, Oct 23rd.


Embrace the Cross in 2016