Tomorrow at CLBC

Sunday is the NT day of Worship. Join us tomorrow at CLBC as we uplift the risen Lord together.

**9:00 AM – Sunday School

**10:15 AM – WORSHIP: We will praise the Lord with song & try to answer the question “Should I Fear the Election?” from a Biblical perspective.

**4:45 – Choir Rehearsal

**6:00 PM – The Mark Dubbeld family will be presenting a Southern Gospel Concert. At the conclusion of the concert there will be a Pumpkin Pie fellowship for everyone.



Please pray for those with physical needs including Allison Efaw (cancer), Janet Gondak (cancer), Donna Legg (cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Ann Niedlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) & others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Also don’t forget to pray for those with ongoing Care needs: June Beverly. Jim Carr, Lillie Dudley, Hilda Jividen, Edna Monday & Victor Wise. Pray for the Elections on Nove 8th.


Embrace the Cross in 2016!