by David Buckley | May 14, 2016 | Announcements
Come to the House of the Lord Join us tomorrow at Cross Lanes Bible Church as we Worship the living Christ together! During the 10:15 AM Worship Service we will be celebrating Believers Baptism, enjoying Worship together & hearing a Message from the Bible...
by David Buckley | May 7, 2016 | Announcements
Honor to whom Honor is Due Tomorrow is Mother’s Day! At CLBC we do it up right. Join us as we celebrate Mother’s Day by honoring the special Ladies in our lives during the Worship Service tomorrow morning at 10:15. **All Ladies are encouraged to sing in...
by David Buckley | May 3, 2016 | Announcements
This Saturday This is to remind all the Ladies of CLBC of the Mother/Daughter Celebration this Saturday, May 7th at 4:30 PM in Fellowship Hall. The theme is “Honoring Daughters of the King.” The tickets are only $7 & include a delicious meal. special...
by David Buckley | Apr 30, 2016 | Announcements
Deacon Flocks Tomorrow is Deacon Flock Sunday at CLBC. Please support your Deacon & encourage the other members of your Flock by attending one of these fellowships: Mark Higginbotham & Shaun Shamblin Flocks will meet for Lunch at the Hammons House immediately...
by David Buckley | Apr 28, 2016 | Announcements
Be Involved This weekend there are several things to be involved in at CLBC: **SAT – Our last Wallbuilder’s until the Fall will take place at 8:30 AM. All men are welcomed! **SUN – We will be preaching a message entitled “Loving God’s...
by David Buckley | Apr 26, 2016 | Announcements
A Call to Prayer The last 3 Sunday mornings I have preached on the subject “How to Pray for CLBC.” I used seven Prayers of the Apostle Paul for the Churches he ministered to as the basis for this mini series. You can Pray these Biblical Prayers daily for...
by David Buckley | Apr 23, 2016 | Announcements
Join us Tomorrow During the 10:15 AM Worship Service we will be wrapping up our mini sermon series “How to Pray for CLBC.” We will continue to examine the Prayers of the Apostle Paul for the Churches he loved & ministered to in the 1st century. At the...
by David Buckley | Apr 19, 2016 | Announcements
Weekly Events **Wed – Awana & Youth Group at 6:45 PM. Adult Bible Study & Prayer at 7:00 PM. **Sat – Wallbuilder’s at 8:30 AM. Future Events **Sun, May 1st – Deacon Flocks **Thurs, May 5th – Prayer Rally at the State Capitol...
by David Buckley | Apr 16, 2016 | Announcements
Aaron Rawlings Continue to pray for Aaron Rawlings who had serious surgery this past week. He is still in the hospital in Morgantown, but is recovering well. Hopefully he will be able to return home in the next couple days.
by David Buckley | Apr 16, 2016 | Announcements
Services Tomorrow **WORSHIP – During our Worship Service at 10:15 AM we will be continuing our study “How to Pray for CLBC.” This sermon is taken from the 7 Prayers of Paul for the Churches in the NT. **MEMORIAL SERVICE – A Memorial Service...